We have been around mirrors for all our lives. Adding quality mirrors into our homes gives the space brand new life. By having mirrors in a particular space, you immediately give it an appeal that wasn’t there and can’t be reached with anything but a mirror. Mirrors coincidentally fit nearly anywhere they are placed; however, most people put them in areas where there can be a lot of personal human connections. These areas include the living room, bathroom, and the bedrooms. Mirrors are quite advantageous because they are both versatile and also give a decorative twist to the space they are placed in. Wall mirrors are legendary in interior design because of their contribution in acting as striking pieces of art and also doubling up in solving some of the most sophisticated interior placement problems. When it comes to mirrors, you have an endless list of possibilities that are only limited by your creativity. As such, the mirrors should be of good quality and a high reflective index so that the image will not be distorted in any case. Here are a few ways to go with respect to mirrors and buying the right mirror.
Finding the best shape that works for you
Not all mirrors are created equal. Mirrors are a great tool that can be used to contrast or complement a pattern or form in the room design instead of keeping things bland. When looking at options for frameless wall mirrors, you need to evaluate your needs and choose the correct mirror for that particular wall. For instance, you can choose to go with a horizontal, angular, and curved or even go for a more mosaic feel. The horizontal shapes do accentuate the wall’s width while the tall vertical shape serves to call attention to the wall’s height. Some people might also prefer an angular shape such as a rectangle or square for their wall mirrors. Such shapes give a clean feeling to the space while still promoting the wall. You can also choose a curved or rounded frame to provide the space with a softer touch. However, you can also play around with mirrors that have curved frames because they are also very versatile. If the mirror is a bit larger, it can be used to showcase space, while the smaller ones can even be used as beauty mirrors. Lastly, you can decide to go for a mosaic feel. Because mirrors are primarily made with glass, it means that you can have them in nearly whichever shape you want. Some mirrors are assembled on the wall to act as a regular mirror but with a different style.
Choose a mirror type that agrees with your surroundings
In today’s modern architecture, no room can’t benefit from having a mirror; be it for practical or decorative reasons. However, it’s essential to have a sense of style and direction so that you can fully benefit from mirrors in both functionality and style. Basically, there are three basic types; wall mirrors, floor mirrors, and dressing table mirrors. Floor mirrors are more prominent, and are usually mounted on a wall or stand and can even be placed against the wall for dramatic effects. These sorts of mirrors are often placed in bedrooms because they provide a full-length view.
Consider the quality of glass used to make it
As previously mentioned, glass is a significant contributor to the quality of the mirrors we get. For this reason, you must first have glass that’s reasonably durable and flat. As such, many people will prefer a thick mirror in places where there is a high volume of people. If you love your wall mirrors, ensure that the one you like has a uniform thickness so as to maintain the reflective index and produce quality images. When the mirror doesn’t have a uniform thickness, you’ll find that the mirror distorts quite a met giving an illusion of a slimmer or fatter version of yourself. If you want a mirror that reflects an accurate representation of the space you are in, you can also be concerned with the type of coating used in the mirror. Some coating material is of better quality than others which is a significant advantage for the mirror owner because it will mean better reflection and high-quality images.
Solving a specific problem in mind
Mirrors are as versatile in functionality as they are in shapes and sizes. These mirrors can be used to solve a lot of the common problems we usually have at homes such as lack of depth, height and space. As such, we see different versions of decorative bathroom mirrors which are meant to bring in more light into the bathroom but to also be as functional as possible because of all the activities that go on there. If your reflection is your biggest concern, you can place a mirror in various parts of the home such as bathroom, hallways and even bedroom so that you can quickly check yourself while moving around the house, or just to create a reflection of a particular object in the house. If your problem is space, then mirrors that create the illusion of more space is what you need. You can make a short hallway longer by placing a highly reflective mirror at the end of the hallway or even create width by staggering the mirrors on both sides of a narrow space.
Choosing the right finish for your wall mirrors
If your main reason for having a mirror is to decorate the space you are in, then it’s prudent to choose an appropriate one that will complement your surroundings or make it stand out among everything else in the room. For instance, if you want the mirror to have a different finish in terms of color, you can choose one which has either, woodgrain, metallic or even gilded finishing to give it a hue that’s very attractive. Here you can even choose your desired design and color. For example, you can have a wall mirror with a pencil, beveled or even a seamed edge. It’s all dependent on what you have in the room and how much you want it to pop.
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