Aspects to Determine when Constructing a House in Belize

Constructing your own home in Belize would be relatively cheaper than purchasing. It would be especially true if you act as a general contractor. However, a rule of broad construction would be to get more for your housing amount in Belize by building instead of purchasing a completed Belize real estate. You would come across plenty of home options in the region. In addition, you would get plenty of headaches as well.

However, if you could put up with the construction hassles, you could build a house with details inclusive of built-in furniture, tropical wood ceilings and floors, rosewood and mahogany cabinets that have been in the homes of multimillionaires in the region.

Purchasing a home in the region

Yet another option for you would be to purchase an abandoned or half-constructed home at one of the banks or government auctions. You would be required to finish construction on your own. It would not be recommended unless you have the required expertise in purchasing foreclosed homes.

The secret to constructing a home

The secret to building your own home in the region would be to find the right contractor. It would be pertinent to mention here that the best method for finding the Ambergris Caye property would be through spending time and research on contractors. You should rest assured to find the right contractor by word of mouth easily. The best method would be to get in touch with locals and expats who had successfully built their home in the region and adhere to what they have to say and recommend.

Cost of home construction in Belize

The cost of construction would vary based on various aspects inclusive of the following:

  • Cost of transportation of materials to the site
  • The terrain of the building site
  • The quality of the work done

It would be pertinent to mention here that the cost of construction would be relatively higher on the cayes and the coast. The major reason would be to make use of hurricane resistance construction.

The cost would be added in the case of the cayes. The additional cost would be incurred in the form of transporting building materials out of the islands by boat or barge. The building costs would also be relatively higher in the southern than in northern Belize.

You should rest assured to lay your hands on inexpensive building materials that have been more readily available in the northern Belize region with ease. Regardless of where you intend to build your home, you would be required to be present on the site for managing and overseeing the construction. The process could take twice as long as you expect.