Hack Your RV Organization With Loop Tape

Do you spend most of the time on the highway in a camper van or motorhome trailer? De-cluttering the RV to enjoy while on the road or parked requires a lot of forethought. One of the most essential facts of life while living in a small space is considering every nook, cranny, and surface.

Get Rid Of The Cluttered Nick-Knacks

Organizing your RV doesn’t have to be a daunting task. The first step to consider is what’s vital to have in times when you need a tool out of the way, but easy to find.

Try These DIY Projects Using Hook Fasteners

Depending on your family size, the more people living in the trailer will require new organization hacks. One very essential product to include on your RV organization shopping list includes several different types of cable ties that use VELCRO® strength hook fasteners, found in a hardware store in the cable management aisle. Consider a few of these great project ideas to organize your RV using VELCRO® strength cable wraps:

Keep Kitchen Counters Clean – Get rid of the junk drawer. With stackable wire shelf organizers in every storage space, you can use a few cable ties so you can hold small items in place and not roaming around in a junk drawer. In an RV, there shouldn’t be a junk drawer at all because everything should have a place to live and be found.   

Hang Gear On The Doors – Utilize every door, including inside cabinet doors with sticky back cable catchers or a roll of hook-and-loop tape. With one side of the tape (either the soft side of the loops, or the rough side of the hooks) place a piece of tape, super glue, or hot glue gun one piece of the fastener to the door. Hang small items with handles, a spare set of keys, an umbrella, or anything lightweight.  

Wrap Bathroom Appliance Cables –Using elastic cable ties, you can keep all your bathroom cords wrapped up and out of the way, so you have more space and not a mess of wires on the small counter or inside the minuscule bathroom cabinet.

Organize Electronic Chargers & Cables – Round up all your cable chargers and designate a cable wrap for each cable. Either keep them in a plastic tote or re-sealable plastic bag. This way none of your cables get tangled together and easy to find and put away.

Mount A GPS Or Smart Device – If you have a motorhome, you can use a piece of adhesive backed cable wrap and stick it to the dashboard of the rig. For larger smart devices, you can use a phone ring on the electronic and then loop that through the hook fastener glued to the dashboard.   

Organize A Wall With Felt & Hook Fasteners – The hooks of loop tape can easily stick to the felt fabric. Measure a piece of felt and glue it to a corkboard or the side of a shelf, like in this video, for your very own VELCRO® wall.

Final Notes: Get Rid Of Duplicate Items

Once you get started organizing the camper with cable ties that use VELCRO®, you will find that the limits are as far as you can stretch your imagination and have been used in every possible way to the moon and back again.