If you’re moving with pets, you’ll want to prepare ahead of time to ensure they have the smoothest transition possible. Moving with pets doesn’t need to be that stressful, but it will take some planning and preparation. No matter what you plan to do with your pet, you can take steps to make sure it has a safe and successful trip. Here are some things to consider when moving with pets.
Hire Container Carriers for Pets’ Shipment
While there are many other things to consider when moving with pets, first, you need to decide the type of container and how many containers you’ll need. For a dog, you may need a quality carrier or crate that can be suitable for air travel and ground transportation. A cat carrier is typically not necessary if your cat will be traveling in a car. Opt for soft-sided pet carriers from mesh fabric for small animals like rabbits and ferrets.
If you plan to drive your vehicle across the country or even state-to-state, you will want to make sure that your pet has enough room to stand up and turn around comfortably inside the carrier. Also, remember to take care of the poo bags! You don’t want to forget them at home! Sandhills Moving & Storage Company provides special containers for dogs and cats shipment upon request and will professionally cater to all your moving needs.
Gather Your Pet’s Medical Records
Don’t let your pet’s medical history fall through the cracks. Make sure you have copies of vaccination records, a copy of any medical notes, and any other vital information before you move. However, if your pet has not received regular checkups or needs immediate attention, it is best to bring them in for a checkup with their veterinarian before moving day. That will ensure that they are in good health before making such an arduous journey.
Authorities require all pets entering their jurisdiction to be accompanied by an International Health Certificate (IHC). The IHC must be issued within days of travel, dated within 30 days, and valid for 30 days after arrival. Your pet’s health is your responsibility; don’t forget to pack these documents!
Update Their ID Tags and Registration Information
Whether moving across town or the country, update your pet’s registration information at your local animal shelter and make sure they have up-to-date ID tags. That will help you quickly reunite with your pet if they become lost during a move. If you cannot afford to lose your pet forever, consider getting them microchipped.
Microchips are tiny radio frequency identification devices implanted under your pet’s skin and are nearly impossible for them to lose. They can also provide peace of mind in case of an emergency. A veterinarian can help unite you with your lost pet with a microchip. The veterinarian contacts a national database and obtains contact information for whoever registered your pet—you!
Stock Pets’ Food and Feeding Container
Most pets will do fine if you feed them their regular diet during a move, but make sure you have enough pet food and supplies on hand. Be aware that some pet foods might need refrigeration after opening. Keep in mind that many moving companies don’t allow animals (including fish) on their trucks, so it may be necessary to ship your pet’s belongings separately from their transport if possible.
Pack a Care Package for Your Pets
When moving with pets, you’d want to consider a few things that would help make the process easier and more enjoyable for you and your animals. It’s, therefore, a good idea to pack a “care” package for your pet with some favorite toys and treats, bedding, water bowls, leashes, and medications that they may need. Bringing along familiar items from home will help reduce anxiety during the move by giving them something familiar in their new environment.
As a pet owner, moving can be a stressful and trying experience for you and your pet. However, if you take precautions and plan, it does not have to be as difficult as you may expect. Hopefully, this list gives you some ideas for making your move with the pets a little easier both for yourself and your pet. Seeking the services of a qualified veterinary and contacting a professional moving company can make your move with pets much more effortless and friendly with less hassle.
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